Winter can be hard on elevators and lifts in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, with extreme temperatures, dampness, and power outages creating challenges often when you need elevator services the most. Regular servicing of any elevator is a critical part of its safe and efficient operation, but a few maintenance tips moving into the winter months can help prevent minor problems that could lead to major problems.
Control the temperature
Your elevator’s hydraulic system will run best if the oil is kept between 85 and 95 degrees. What this means is an unheated machine room can be a problem during winter in Portage and Summit counties and the surrounding area. Consistently cold temperatures will cause the hydraulic oil to congeal and your elevator to fail. If you are having difficulty keeping the machine room between 60 and 90 degrees, consider installing a tank heater to maintain a more consistent temperature all year round.
Have battery backup
Ice and heavy snow can cause unexpected power outages throughout the winter in Kent and across Ohio, making your elevator unusable. If you don’t have a generator to keep critical systems running, consider keeping your elevator in service with an uninterruptible power supply battery designed for your elevator or lift. Your local elevator/lift expert can help you choose and install the right battery backup for your system.
Lubrication is critical
Traction elevators run on steel rails that must be lubricated to keep the system running smoothly and quietly. Cold winter temps will cause lubrication to become stiff or dry out completely, especially if the lubricant is old. You will know the lubricant on your elevator is failing if it begins to rattle or makes loud noises while running. Adding fresh lubricant before the winter season ensures your elevator will run smoothly even as temps begin to cool.
Schedule routine maintenance
Routine servicing by your local elevator expert is your best means of protecting your elevator or lift from cold weather-related problems. Your service call will include a full inspection of your elevator system, including checking cables, hydraulics, lubrication, and weatherstripping. Your technician can also recommend preventive service and repairs and steps you can take to protect your equipment.
Your elevator will remain at its best if you take time to check it over frequently, especially when weather conditions are extreme. Consider the following:
- Note when your elevator is used the least (often during overnight hours) and take a minute to check it before heavier use. Running a hydraulic system a few times to warm it up will often help it run more smoothly during frequent use times.
- If your elevator tends to act up when the heat begins to run, check the doors at each level. Warm air from the heating system can sometimes be forced up the shaft almost like a chimney, forcing the doors on upper floors to open slightly and shutting down the elevator. Your elevator technician can adjust the door spring to prevent this.
- Check the area around and beneath your elevator or lift to be sure low spots are not encouraging standing water. Even minor flooding can corrode cables and shorten the life of your equipment.
If your elevator or lift needs servicing or you need guidance on keeping your equipment at its best during cold weather, contact Handel & Son Elevator/Lift Co. in Kent, Ohio. Handel & Son supplies, installs, and services high quality elevators and lifts for residential and commercial applications. For more information about Handel & Son elevator services, including dumbwaiters and material lifts, incline and vertical platform lifts, and stairlifts, click here.