While residents of the State of Ohio have been told to stay home and avoid close contact with others to lessen the spread of COVID-19, those who collect our trash continue to run their regular schedules in the interest of keeping communities healthy and safe.
To some degree, sanitation workers are like first responders during this health crisis – their work is essential and must continue on a regular schedule. Trash must be collected and disposed of properly to maintain healthy conditions for residents across the state. Cutting services back also is not an option, as it risks potential unsanitary conditions if trash is allowed to accumulate at curbs or near homes even for a short time.
Sanitation workers always wear heavy gloves to protect themselves during their work. During this uncertain time, they also are taking other common-sense precautions, including protecting the face and eyes as best they can.Waste collection companies are in contact with all their collectors while maintaining schedules either remotely or while practicing social distancing at offices and dispatch centers. Knowing the importance of this service in every Ohio community, residents also can take steps to help keep sanitation workers as safe as possible from health issues including COVID-19.
- Place all trash items fully inside your trash container, with the lid closed.
- Extra trash items not secured in a trash receptacle should be fully contained inside a sealed bag.
- Ensure that trash placed at the street or inside a receptacle is secured so as not to blow away or fall out during collection.
- Check your yard for loose trash and dispose of loose or stray items immediately.
- Use gloves to handle trash and wash thoroughly afterwards.
Recognize that your extra effort helps keep your trash collectors safe while they protect your health and that of your neighborhood. If you have questions about trash collection during the COVID-19 crisis or you need reliable, safe trash collection for your home or business, contact Sunburst Environmental Services or click here.